What are technical brand names? Your guide to technical company names
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What are technical brand names? Your guide to technical company names

Technical Brand Names

Technical brand names are one of the lesser-known options for companies looking to define their business with a unique, memorable moniker. Similar to descriptive names and inventive names at the same time, they aim to share information about a brand, but often with less commonplace words.

As you might expect, technical names are most common among technology companies and innovators investing in new, unique solutions. They’re highly niche because they embrace using terms that might not appeal to a broad audience. 

For instance, while “Apple” is a somewhat universal technology name, Android is a more technical name, as it evokes a specific tech concept. 

Like all naming strategies, using technical business names can have a range of pros and cons. On the one hand, it can be an excellent way to differentiate a brand and capture the attention of a specific audience. 

On the other hand, technical names are often considered confusing by less tech-savvy consumers, which could mean you alienate some of your audience.

Today, we will look at the benefits and downsides of the technical brand name, how it works, and how you can choose your own.

Technical Brand Names

What is a technical brand name?

When naming a business, entrepreneurs have a lot of avenues to consider. Technical brand names are just one example of countless different styles of monikers available to choose from. 

In the technology industry, where technical names are most common, we can see countless examples of companies named with portmanteau titles, descriptive, and inventive names. 

A technical brand name is explicitly linked to the underlying elements of what a brand offers or what it does. It highlights a brand’s underlying processes, technologies, or concepts, with certain terms. 

For instance, Microsoft is a compound name that combines the word “Microprocessor” with the word “software”. 

Technical names are most common in the technology industry but can also appear frequently in the pharmaceutical landscape. In the medical space, many companies use names related to the drugs they sell or the body parts they focus on. 

For instance, “Cephalon” is a name taken from the adjective “cephalic,” which relates to the brain or head. 

Technical names also appear in the communications industry, software, and app landscape. In general, the core purpose of a technical name is to tell the audience about the company and its USP while also conveying a futuristic and modern vibe.

Technical Brand Names

What are the pros of technical brand names?

Most company names are designed to capture the attention of a broad audience across multiple geographies and sectors. Technical brand names, on the other hand, are a lot more focused. 

They’re most often used by B2B (Business to Business) brands looking to capture a particular type of customer. These names are inherently complex, but this is sometimes a good name.

A complicated technical name that resonates with the right audience can set a company apart as a thought leader or a knowledgeable entity. Here are some of the most significant benefits of choosing technical company names:


Because technical brand names are less likely to use commonplace words and phrases, they’re often more unique than a common descriptive name. It can be easier for a company to set itself apart from other brands with one of these titles. 

Plus, most technical names are relatively easy to trademark, particularly when they combine multiple words into one moniker, like Microsoft. 


Words less common in our day-to-day vocabulary are more likely to stand out when we see them presented by brands. A word like “Quantum” has more of an impact on most people than a term like “Apple.” 

Because of this, technical names can be helpful for companies to leave a deep impression on their audience. 


Using a technical name can be an excellent way for a technology or futuristic company to demonstrate its focus on transformational topics and ideas. Technical names are inherently innovative and perfect for helping companies to showcase their deep knowledge of their industry and landscape. 

Audience reach

Sometimes appealing to a broad audience isn’t the best strategy for every company. For brands looking to connect with a specific kind of buyer, a technical name can be an excellent way to stand out. 

These names resonate with a specific kind of person who already has the knowledge or background required to be relevant to the brand.


Technical names rarely go out of fashion. 

Using specific terms related to the technical industry ensures a name remains relevant over time. However, companies need to focus only a little on one particular technical concept if they’re thinking of expanding their portfolio of products in the long term.

Technical Brand Names

What are the cons of a technical name?

The complexity of technical brand names is a double-edged sword for many companies. Using complicated, lesser-known words for a name can be a fantastic way to differentiate a brand and show its expertise in an industry. However, it can also make their title appear unnecessarily confusing. 

This problem becomes even more significant when considering many technical names are “compound” words. This means business leaders combine multiple terms to create something new. 

There’s a risk here that the underlying meaning of each word could become lost. Some of the most significant downsides of technical names include the following:


Although a technical name could make a lot of sense to a specific group of consumers, it could be seen as confusing or random by other customers. 

Businesses must ensure they carefully research their target audience and gain a good understanding of the language they use before committing to a technical name.


Technical names are frequently compound or portmanteau titles, which merge multiple words. In some cases, companies also use deliberately miss-spelled words to differentiate their brand. 

Although this can help with making the name unique, there’s also a risk customers will need help to spell the name and find the brand.


Some words in the technical landscape are more common than others, such as “cell” or “soft.” This means there’s always a risk that another company has used a similar name to yours. Companies that use the same commonplace technical terms may sound repetitive and less unique. 

Hidden meanings

When combining words and terms for a technical name, it’s essential to research what the title might mean in different parts of the world. Some phrases may have different meanings in every geography. 

This can lead to even greater confusion and even damage a brand’s reputation in some cases.

Famous technical brand names (examples)

Used correctly, technical names can be unique, interesting, and engaging. They have a fantastic ability to connect a company with its target audience. 

Plus, they’re often more creative and compelling than a common descriptive name. A technical brand name also has a more significant meaning than a founder name because it references the underlying technology relevant to a brand. 

If you’re considering using technical brand names in your business, the following examples of technical brand names offer some helpful inspiration.

Technical Brand Names


Tesla Inc is one of the best-known technical names in the world today. The company, launched in 2003, chose its name as a reference not only to the famous Nikola Tesla but also to highlight the focus on electrical technologies within its cars.

While only some customers will understand the meaning behind this name at a glance, those familiar with the electronics landscape instantly get an insight into what the company stands for. This is a unique type of technical name because it’s also historical.

Technical Brand Names


Worldwide technology company Panasonic has had a few names since launching in 1918. Initially, the brand started with a relatively descriptive name: Matsushita Electric Manufacturing Works.

Eventually, when the organization began its expansion across the globe, it changed its name to Panasonic in reference to “sonic” technologies.

The word “pan” is the Latin term for “all”, so Panasonic’s name suggests the company addresses and invests in all kinds of sonic technologies. It’s an interesting and eye-catching name with plenty of underlying meaning.

Technical Brand Names


One of the most interesting technical business names today, Xerox is the title of leading American corporation selling digital document and print products and services.

The name “Xerox” refers to the company’s pioneering technology in its printing solutions. Xerox is a form of copying technology.

Xerox has been highly successful with its name over the years, to the point where some people have begun to refer to copying services and companies as “xerox” brands, even when they have their own unique name.

Technical Brand Names

Quantum Corp

The Quantum Corporation is a data management, storage, and protection company, initially launched in 1980. The organization sells its products and services to enterprises, entertainment companies, big data brands, and countless other ventures around the world.

Quantum is a term taken from the physics landscape, hence its technical nature.

A quantum is the minimum amount of physical energy involved in an interaction. This unique title helps the business stand out as a modern, inventive, and scientifically focused brand. It also provides an insight into what the company does – managing every tiny amount of data.

Technical Brand Names


SoftCell Technologies is a company that provides business-to-business IT infrastructure solutions to brands of all sizes. The leading IT service provider and systems integrator has assisted businesses for more than 30 years with its unique solutions.

The name “SoftCell” is a portmanteau term combining the words “Software” and “Cell.” The technical name refers to the underlying services offered by the business. The company specializes in helping brands to build the ideal infrastructure for software and hardware tools.

Technical Brand Names


One of the best-known examples of a technical brand name today is Microsoft, a leading manufacturer of various software, hardware, and technology solutions. The company produces everything from operating systems to game consoles.

As you might already know, the title is a combination of “microcomputer” or “microprocessor” and “software.” It was chosen to highlight the brand’s core focus, producing high-quality technology programs and software for a modern audience.

The unique term immediately offers business buyers and consumers an insight into what Microsoft does.

Technical Brand Names


Meta is one of the more modern names in the technical branding landscape. 

Previously known as Facebook, the company is responsible for running various technology groups, including Facebook, Instagram, and even the Oculus VR platform. Meta chose its name as a reference to the emerging concept of the “metaverse.” 

The unique and impactful term has helped to set the company apart as an innovator in the transforming digital space. Switching names has also helped Meta to distance itself from some controversial issues faced in the past.

Technical Brand Names


SAP is an interesting technical name because it doesn’t directly showcase its technical elements straight away.

We only begin to discover the technical references underneath when we dive into the acronym’s meaning. SAP stands for Systems, Applications, and Products, related to data processing.

Clearly, using the full title would have left SAP with an extremely long and confusing name. However, consumers looking into the business could immediately determine what the company stands for and what it can do.

Technical Brand Names


Launched in 1961, Broadcom is an American developer, designer, manufacturer, and supplier of a range of infrastructure and semiconductor products. The product offerings from the company range across the data center, software, networking, broadband, and wireless spaces.

The name “Broadcom” has several underlying meanings for the technical landscape. “com” is linked to the communications and networking industry. On the other hand, “Broad” could be a reference to the diversity of the company’s offerings and the concept of broadband.

Technical Brand Names


One of the world’s leading software companies, Nvidia actually started life with no name. They named all of their files “NV”, which stood for “next version” in the technical world.

However, when the brand was incorporated, the co-founders needed a more memorable and engaging name, which pushed them to begin looking at words with the letters “NV” included.

Eventually, the brand found the word “Invidia,” which is the Latin term for Envy. The co-founders believed this name continued to highlight their brand promise while connecting them to a concept of excellence and exclusivity.

Technical Brand Names

How to choose technical company names

If you’re looking for a brand name that helps to identify your company as modern, forward-thinking, and innovative, a technical business name could be the perfect choice. These titles can automatically identify a brand as a pioneer in its industry. 

However, as mentioned above, it’s essential to be cautious with your choice to avoid alienating too many consumers. 

The best way to boost your chances of success is to work with a professional naming firm. These companies not only do the hard work of finding potential names on your behalf, but they can also do the due diligence required to ensure your title has the right lasting impact on your audience. 

If you’re working with an agency or choosing a name from scratch, here are some other quick tips you can follow to boost your chances of success.

Brainstorm with the entire team

Bring different staff members into your naming process so you can work with various perspectives. Technical names still need to resonate with a broad audience. Connecting with peers from your business should help you pick a more effective title. 

Plus, you should be able to come up with a wider range of potential technical brand names to choose from. 

Do your research

Take the time to research the meaning of each word you brainstorm, to ensure there aren’t different connotations around the world that could dampen your brand appeal. 

At the same time, it’s essential to look closely at your target audience and the language they’re inclined to use. Ideally, you’ll want your name to resonate immediately with your preferred customer on an emotional level. 

Avoid complex spellings

Although technical terms are more likely to be complex and even longer than basic business names, they should still be easy to spell. Difficult names with complicated spellings can be more challenging for customers to search for when trying to find your organization online. 

The ideal name should be easy enough to type and say out loud, so your customers can help boost brand awareness through word of mouth. 

Highlight your USP

One of the biggest benefits of a technical brand name is that it can tell your audience a little more about your organization and what it stands for. When you’re starting to brainstorm potential names, begin by focusing on the core values of your business. 

Look at not only what you sell but what you’re trying to deliver to your customers in terms of a brand promise. A technical name can also be meaningful and evocative. 

Keep your name short

Although technical words are naturally sometimes longer than other words, it’s worth keeping your name as short as possible. This could mean using compound and portmanteau names at times. 

A single world is better than multiple, as it’s easier to remember and far more convenient for your logo and branding assets. If you need clarification on whether a name is too long, consider creating a mockup logo to see how complicated it looks. 

Check the competition

Just because technical names are less common doesn’t mean another company hasn’t already considered using a similar word. 

To ensure your name is as unique as possible, it’s essential to take some time to check the industry for signs of similar titles. Make sure you can trademark your name and purchase the relevant domain name for any websites you build.

Exploring technical company names

Technical brand names are a unique moniker option for companies focusing on the technical world, innovation, and transformation. While they can sometimes appear overly complex and confusing to a broad audience, these names are also excellent for reaching specific customers.

Used correctly, they can be a phenomenal way to convert and engage your target audience.

The key to success with technical business names is taking the time to understand your audience, their language, and their unique pain points. Connecting your business to a specific USP or value will make it easier to attract the kind of customers most likely to convert.

Fabrik: A naming agency for our times.

We’ve made our name famous by naming other businesses.

Get in touch if you have a company, product, or service that requires a unique name. Click below, and let’s start a conversation today!

Now read these: 
Types of brand names, the ultimate guide 
An in-depth guide to descriptive brand names
The pros and cons of abstract brand names
When to use an evocative brand name
Your guide to invented company names
Is a lexical brand name right for your business?
An insight into acronymic business names
Putting geographic brand names on the map
Should you name a business after yourself
Definitive guide to compound brand names 
Exploring the trend for modern brands names 
Is a playful business name right for you
Adding up alphanumeric company names 
Why are metaphorical brand names popular
Getting to grips with historical brand names

Steve Harvey
Steve Harvey
Our co-founder, Steve Harvey, is also a regular contributor to Brand Fabrik, a flagship publication covering topics relevant to anyone in branding, marketing and graphic design. Steve shares his enthusiasm for brand naming through his articles and demonstrates his knowledge and expertise in the naming process.

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